Thursday, May 23, 2013

I am Lazy

I admit it, I'm lazy.  We're working on that, but between the arthritis and the thyroid stuff I get tired and don't want to think about writing.  Or sometimes even crafting.  That said, I think since September I've knit 3 scarves, 4 or 5 pair of mitts, 1/8th of a shawl (lace, so it's about 300 rows!), one baby blanket and tatted quite a bit.  I've also read a ton of books (All of the Miss Marple books by Agatha Christie, several David Eddings, the Guards books by Terry Pratchett and several others) and played more video game than we ought to.  Ni No Kuni was great and I picked up the New Harvest Moon incarnation, A New Beginning.  I have dropped Wow, sadly, I just don't have time to devote to it.

The Man just graduated with his Master's degree so we're going through the fun process of looking for a teaching job with a history degree.  Yeah . . . so far no nibbles, but it's not even June.  I'm reserving full blown panic mode for July, since our lease is up at the end of July and no job means we have no idea where we are going!!!!!  Breathe me, breathe.  Until then, the focus is on packing up non-essentials.

Enough crazy for tonight, my lovely oven pizza is finished and the Man has challenged me to old-school Mario!

1 comment:

  1. You could always come visit me for a while and stay until David finds a job ya know ;)
